I add kindling to the fire of school transformation
Millennials Guide to K-12 Ed | Ed Psych Professor | Galileo School Founder|

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Jen Fulwiler, author and standup comic
"Managing your kids' education is one of the most overwhelming things a parent will ever do. What schools are best? How do you make sure your child is getting the most out of his or her education? Michele Gill has provided an invaluable guide that will bring so much relief to millennial parents, as well as parents of all generations. I'm recommending this to all of my friends with kids!"

Sonn Sam, EdD
Regional Director, Big Picture Learning
"As parents, if you ever asked your child, How was school today? and their consistent response is “boring,” let this be the inspiration to read Dr. Gill’s book and join the movement of transforming education to cultivating the brilliance of every child."

Lauren Hodges, EdD
Co-Founder, Performance on Purpose
"This is the educational handbook you knew you needed and always wished for. As a busy Millennial mother working in the human performance space and parent of two boys, this book was the long-awaited support and resource I’ve been looking for. It’s like every question you’ve ever had about your child’s education is finally in one place."